Fear - Don't Sweat It
What do you do when fear shows up in your life? 10 Minute Awakening Review Do you remain gripped with anxiety and worry? Or do you remember that you are connected to a Divine Power no matter what seems to be going wrong in the outer world?
Recently, I had a magnificent opportunity to overcome fear and practice spiritual empowerment. At a minister's conference in Arizona, I decided to participate in a Native American sweat lodge. When I heard about how a sweat lodge is a sacred place of purification and spiritual transformation, I was drawn to the program. At that time, however, I didn't know that this meant being in a small, dark, blistering hot space for over an hour - not an appealing proposition for someone terrified of tight spaces.
When I arrived at the sweat lodge, I saw an igloo-shaped structure that looked tall enough only to sit or kneel in. The lodge was made of tree limbs and covered with a tarp of several layers. It was sealed with rocks around the edges to retain the heat. Curiously, I peeked inside and saw a large hole for the smoldering rocks, a big kettle filled with water and a ladle to scoop water and pour over the red-hot rocks to create steam.
Recently, I had a magnificent opportunity to overcome fear and practice spiritual empowerment. At a minister's conference in Arizona, I decided to participate in a Native American sweat lodge. When I heard about how a sweat lodge is a sacred place of purification and spiritual transformation, I was drawn to the program. At that time, however, I didn't know that this meant being in a small, dark, blistering hot space for over an hour - not an appealing proposition for someone terrified of tight spaces.
When I arrived at the sweat lodge, I saw an igloo-shaped structure that looked tall enough only to sit or kneel in. The lodge was made of tree limbs and covered with a tarp of several layers. It was sealed with rocks around the edges to retain the heat. Curiously, I peeked inside and saw a large hole for the smoldering rocks, a big kettle filled with water and a ladle to scoop water and pour over the red-hot rocks to create steam.
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