The Nature of Consciousness and Creation of Reality

I intend sometimes to discuss general acceptedOverthrowing Anxiety Reviewworld beliefs and knowledge that would inhibit understanding of the true nature or reality. Many of these beliefs have been adopted because of laziness, it being much easier to simply believe what someone tells you than to spend the necessary time and effort to look for the information yourself. Many of you have accepted distorted or false beliefs even though they didn't feel right to you and I dare say that you now hold a variety of beliefs that are just flat out wrong and you know it, but still, you do nothing to replace these beliefs with more beneficial ones. Why should you bother? Because as you learn the true nature of reality, and finally realize that you are actually, not symbolically, creating your own reality, it will dawn on you that you and only you have the power to change your world.

I am here to make you think, to arouse your curiosity, to challenge you. The concepts I discuss here are not new and not revolutionary. They have been given before through the ages, but mostly lost or forgotten in the mists of time. If I accomplish nothing more than to get you to trust your own intuitions and feelings, then these writing will have succeeded. The real truths cannot be found on the outside, but on the inside. You may not consciously know the answers to the questions you wonder about, but you are directly linked to your inner self, and the inner self is intimately connected with the soul/entity, and here the answers are known and they are not withheld from you. My task is to stimulate your interest so that you will begin to question. The more questions you ask, the more questions will come to mind. What there is to know is endless.


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