Do You Believe in a Universal Spiritual Energy?

Does a universal spiritual healing energyLife Wisdom Matrix Review    exist that can seemingly create miracles in your life? Can this energy accelerate your spiritual enlightenment? Can this energy also heal your body and mind?

Many cultures think there is. Let's take an imaginary vacation around the world and explore this energy. Imagine traveling to the big island of Hawaii. You investigate an active volcano and witness scientists placing steel rods into the lava. The steel rods melt. However, much to your astonishment there is a woman walking through the lava unharmed. Of course you want an answer to this mystery so you approach the scientists to ask them why. How can steel melt in the lava, yet the woman's feet are totally protected?

The scientists look at you and shrug their shoulders. It's an anomaly," they explain. This answer doesn't help you very much. So you ask the woman how she does it. She explains that she is a Kahuna and that she believes in a universal spiritual healing energy known to her as Manna. She believes this energy spiritually benefits her and it can also protect her from the lava. She further counsels you that it can benefit you as well but only if you believe in it.


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