Treatment and Management of Hyperthyroidism in Pregnancy

Pregnancy by itself is a very delicate period and the Thyroid Rescue 911 Review  pregnant women have to take utmost care for the well being of themselves as well as their child. Hence, it is a great concern if women are diagnosed with hyperthyroidism during pregnancy.

It is very easy to get hyperthyroidism during pregnancy because HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin) is produced during pregnancy and this hormone has thyroid stimulating effects. This may result in more symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Generally there are around 10-20 percent women who get temporary hyperthyroidism during pregnancy and there is no treatment required for such temporary condition.

Hyperthyroidism during pregnancy can lead to preterm labor, low birth weight babies, miscarriage, congenital malformations etc. This condition can also be passed to the fetus and can cause transient conditions. There are about 1 percent of babies who are born with hyperthyroidism. Hence, hyperthyroidism in pregnancy cannot be left unattended. The thyroid levels need to be regularly monitored. While treating hyperthyroidism, safety of the baby is of utmost importance. The treatment is done with drugs such as propyithiouracil and methimazole. The drug dosage has to be adjusted regularly. For those women who cannot tolerate medication, surgery is the only option available and here also there are increased chances of premature delivery and stillbirth.


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