Kettlebell Exercises to Burn Unsightly Stubborn Fat in Record Time

1. Kettlebell Swing -
This exercise is one of the fundamentals for this kind of training.Weight Loss For Idiots Review   As a beginner, you should start with two handed swing and graduate into one handed swing. The major movement comes from your lower body. As you swing up, you'll feel the pull and find yourself stablizing your core. Keep your core tight and legs strong for this exercise.

2. Squat Thruster -
This movement is mixed with Squats and press up. You must have seen the dumb-bell version of this exercise. Again this works a lot on your lower body with squat and your arms and upper body with the press up version.

3. Overhead squat -
Again last exercise is going to work on your body. And this one also has a variation with dumbbells. Focussing on your core is going to be important in overhead squat.If you've noticed, that I've haven't included any of the upper body exercise. Actually with the swings and other upper body movement, you are working on your upper body. As you grow into kettlebell training, we can focus on creating and using better upper body focused training. Right now your best bet is the above 3 exercises.


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