How to Know When You Are Manifesting Your Soul-Power

We know we have a soul. Let us feel that our soul is a sweet,Ultra Manifestation Review    innocent and beautiful young child. This inner child is pure and perfect. In a way, it is vulnerable because it relies only on us to care for it and nourish it in its own way.

Within our body the soul has chosen a very beautiful place to reside. We have the physical heart and inside the physical heart is the 'spiritual heart'. This is where the soul makes its sacred temple, thus our body can be called the temple of our soul.

Why does the soul enter into the earth plane and accept the body, mind and heart?
The soul enters into the earth-consciousness in order to be a divine messenger for God. The soul carries all of our thoughts, feelings and inspirations to God - immediately. In other words, the soul has the job of a messenger because it understands our language and it also understands God's language. The soul deliberately becomes bound within the body consciousness in order to help transform the consciousness of humanity to a higher place.


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