Causes of High Cholesterol and What You Can Do About It

There are in fact more than 5 causes of high cholesterol,  Omega 3-7-9 Krill Review however there are some pretty common ones which keep turning up again and again, and it is these ones that we will address today. In addition to looking at these 5 causes of high cholesterol what we will also do is look to see how we can counteract them, preferably without the use of statins.

Being Overweight - Being overweight can have a direct bearing on cholesterol levels. And excess weight becomes more of a problem as we get older as weight goes on very easily and is harder to lose. One of the first things that you can do is obviously pay attention to the food that you eat. In particular you want to cut down on foods that contain saturated fats such as meat and dairy products, but more so you want to eliminate foods containing trans fats from your diet, as these can have a significant effect on your cholesterol levels. In addition to that eat more fruit and veg, eat smaller portions and exercise more.

Lack of Exercise - Even if you are not overweight, lack of exercise can lead to high cholesterol levels. To be frank, the vast majority of people do not exercise enough and when we are saying exercise this is not about gym memberships and extreme workouts. All exercise has to be is just to get your body moving and your pulse rate up a little bit for approximately 30 minutes daily. Exercise can be anything as simple as walking briskly to cycling, whatever takes your fancy really.


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