Why Are Lower Income Families More Overweight Than Higher Income Families?

It's a little know fact that the lower the income    Keto Trim 800 Review  bracket that the individual falls in, the higher the chances are that individual is overweight. This is especially interesting to me since I grew up in a lower income family and, yes, we were all overweight, and so were the majority of the people we knew that were also in the same income bracket.

When I started studying this phenomenon I was really surprised at why this was true. You would think that the more money a person makes equates to them being more able to buy any type of food they want. However, as I began to study this, I realized it wasn't about freedom to buy food; it was about emotional eating and education.

People with lower incomes usually have higher stresses in terms of providing for themselves and their family. This takes a toll, and one way to release that toll is to eat all those goodies that make your brain happy. You see, food is like a drug, and there are more poor people hooked on drugs than there are rich people, even though the rich have more money to buy any drug they want.


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