Homoeopathy - Roots and Branches -Empiricism and the First 'Proving' of a Substance

Hahnemann had for years studied the Empirical   Patriot Rise Up Review   Medical Tradition and found some truth in it. According to the Empirical Medical Tradition each organic constitution, each disease process and each remedy is unique. Its four guiding principles were:

1. Do not injure.
2. Nature heals.
3. The appropriateness of medical techniques and the usefulness of remedies in disease can only ever be learned through observation and experience.
4. The organism reacts correctively to harmful stimuli in order to maintain equilibrium with its surroundings. This is known as the principle of Homoeostasis.

Note: Therefore symptoms are seen not in themselves as morbific, or harmful, but as the body's own beneficial healing effort, which can be fully supported by the right form of medicine.Hahnemann's main criticism of empirical medicine was that it lacked an exact and serviceable theory of drug action. He believed that the only true way to have knowledge of the action of a medicine was through experimentation on the healthy human body.


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