Vehicle Escape Lighting

Vehicle escape lighting isn't something that most Tesla Lighter Survival Tool   people ever bother to think about. That is until the rare occasion that they need it. The average person on the street may never buy vehicle escape lighting, but the armed forces and transport companies certainly consider it for the safety of personnel or the public. Even some members of the public buy it, such as yacht owners to help in the case of a capsize.

The army, navy and air force have a need for vehicle escape lighting so that escape is as quick as possible and lives can be saved. Because of the dangerous situations they find themselves operating in, speedy vehicle escape is of high importance.

The Hatch Lighting and Orientation System (HaLO) for aircraft and armoured vehicles can be fitted to aid evacuation. The system is designed to operate in murky waters too if the vehicle occupants find themselves under water. Even in smoke filled vehicles, occupants should be able to orientate and find their way out. The system is highly durable and designed well. It is essential for the safety of personnel.


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