What Is the Basis of Your Fear and Can Fear Hypnosis Help

If you're reading this article you're probably feeling  Breathe Green Dust Mites Review   a bit too much fear for what might seem no reason at all. You might have considered using other remedies such as drugs or talk therapies and found them to be ineffective so you're still searching. The first step is to find out what those fears are for anyway and why you would need to ever feel fear like you've been feeling. As you keep reading you're going to get some answers to those questions and get started on solving your fear based problems.

Just imagine for a moment, prehistoric man walking around the forest searching out something to eat. Maybe berries or a nice big head of lettuce, (just kidding). And while he's busy searching for food for himself and his family he becomes aware of a predator that is stalking him. He might not be able to see it or really know it, but he kind of recognizes the predator's presence. That sense of fear will automatically kick in to provide him with the rush of energy, through adrenaline, that he will need to ready himself to fight, or to run hard and fast to get away from there. So I'm sure you can see how that fear would be a handy thing to have available to you when you need it. It's used to turn on your reserve energy.

Fear is something that has been programmed into our bodies so that we could protect ourselves and that fear comes in a spectrum of strengths. The example of our ancestors from prehistoric times needed one level of fear. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the most fear you could feel, let's call that a 10. So we are able to feel that level of fear because we needed that intensity to protect ourselves in that dramatic way. But in our modern times, we rarely need to elicit that high intensity of fear, but it is available if we need it.

Now stop and take a look at what goes on around you during your every day life. I doubt there are predators of the ilk of the ones around long ago. There might be occurrences happening that might elicit a fear response, like the threat of losing your job, or being thrown out of your house, or even losing your girlfriend or boyfriend. But none of those common fear producing events need you to run away as hard as you can or stand around and physically engage in a fight. Most of our normal fears should bring about a scale number of maybe 3-7 on that scale of 1 to 10. And 1 on that scale is totally safe and secure.


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