Acupuncture for Acne - Psoriasis - Allergies

Acupuncture, as a therapy, has been practiced in  Breathe Green Dust Mites Review many eastern cultures and societies for thousands of years. It is only recently that this treatment appeared in western countries, with many tradition Chinese herbalists and doctors commencing practices. As a treatment for acne and psoriasis it has been found to be effective in certain clinical settings.

In 1992, the first study was commenced to assess acupunctures benefit as a therapy for a host of skin conditions and allergies. Conducted in mainland China, the study encompassed 61 participants who were typical resistant to the more common treatment protocols. The research group administered controlled acupuncture which was given in nine separate sessions rather than the mainstream treatment options.

Proponents of the study claim that the use of the treatment was a concerted success. More than 50% of the initial test group that was treated with acupuncture experienced remissions in their conditions and in some cases this lead to the condition being cured. Overall, it has been reported that the majority of patients experienced a significant improvement of their conditions and quality of life. This was perplexing, to say the least, to the western medical fraternity.

In acupuncture theory, there are special sections of the body which are referred to as meridians. In eastern medicine, these meridians are known to restore balance and correct energy dispersement throughout the human body. According to their beliefs, by targeting specific meridians, they are able to restore natural function and remove blockages and nervous conditions which lead to a variety of skin allergies.


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