Weight Loss Tips - Tread Lightly With a Weight Loss Program

A degree of caution should be exercised when  Cinderella Solution Review   it comes to relying upon a weight loss program because there are a number of phoney dieting plans out there that will at best leave the dieter feeling distinctly disappointed, at worst, place the dieter's health at risk. One of the major problems with a gimmick based weight loss program is that they typically demonise a particular food or food type thereby instilling in the mind of the naive dieter that that particular food is bad.

Take for example the Atkins diet and its bombastic condemnation of carbohydrates. The problem here is that in the mind of many a dieter, they assumed that all carbohydrates were bad or harmful when in reality; it is simple carbohydrates which pose problems. There has been a great deal of scientific study dedicated to the issue of the Atkins diet and the long term consequences of relying on this particular weight loss program are far from promising.

A person who relies on the Atkins weight loss program for an extended period of time is at a much higher than average risk of contracting a number of health complaints such as osteoporosis (whereby bone density is compromised thereby meaning joints are susceptible to fracture), heart failure, kidney stones and cardiac arrest.

Before you decide to implement any sort of weight loss program in your life, please make sure that you consult with your physician and get their input into the equation before committing yourself to a particular eating regime. People who are on certain types of medication will have to be careful as to the types of food they eat, even where such foods maybe otherwise totally harmless (or indeed beneficial) to a person without that particular health complaint.


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