Causes of Hip Pain and Potential Treatment Methods

The hip is quite stable and requires a major  Unlock Your Hip Flexors 2.0 Review   force to cause a dislocation. The hip is more prone to bone and joint damage. As a weight-bearing joint it is commonly affected by degenerative changes and fracture in senior patients. The causes of pain in the hip are probably more age related than any other joint (i.e. congenital disorders in the infant, growth plate and vascular problems in the adolescent, trauma in the young adult and fracture or arthritis in the elderly).

Patients often complain of hip pain when, in fact, the pain is in either the low back or buttocks. The pain felt in the hip may be due to an internal pathology of the hip joint or referred from a number of other structures. A common traumatic history for hip pain is a fall onto the hip. This often results in soft tissue injury such as a contusion or a trochanteric bursitis. Very often with this condition, the pain is worse during activity and relieved by rest.


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